Wow, didn't realize that its been so long since I updated. Not a whole lot new to add except Tyler has taken up the night life. He had been sleeping through the night, the last 2 weeks he has decided that sleep is over rated.. He stays awake tell 1:30 in the morning, then sleeps tell about 4 or 5 ..then little cat naps during the day...Just enough that I cant get a thing done or a wink of sleep tell his dad gets home. Not a fun routine for me. I'm hoping its just a faze. He has been having a bit more tummy troubles at night, maybe a reason. But hes not fussy just wants to play and yell!! We have a CF appointment coming up not sure what to expect they said its going to be a long day...lab work ..x rays and all..looking forward to his weigh in he is quite the little porker!