Was wondering if anyone else out there has trouble balancing life with CF...I have 4 great kids, 3 without CF. It seems like life is getting alot harder to keep on track. My oldest will be 16 in a week or so and that's a milestone that we all should be enjoying. But its hard for me to balance out the normal kid stuff with all the extra with Tyler. Even going out to dinner as a family is a struggle for me because I'm so paranoid of Ty getting sick, I know i am probably over-reacting but i cant help it . Everyone tells me not to keep Ty in a "bubble" but it think there is a fine line between the "bubble" and taking risks with his health. I guess as time goes on I will relax a bit, for everyone else in the house's sake. I read some of the other mom's of CF kids blogs and I wonder how they have so much confidence with everyday life. Sometimes its really hard for me to handle his diagnosis. I think alot has to do with the lack of education of CF, our CF team seems a little vague ..or maybe I'm just used to knowing up front what we are dealing with and then handling it..CF is not like that ..I don't play the waiting game well....