Thursday, December 10, 2009

The beginning...

This is the beginning of the first ever blog for the Hendricks Family...Bear with me I am new to this! I'm hoping to share with all of our family and friends Tyler's footsteps through life with Cystic Fibrosis and how it affects us all as a family.

In August of 2009 I was blessed with my fourth child. Having a 15, 13 and 8 year old at home I thought number 4 would be a breeze. First revelation...don't ever assume anything is going to be easy just because you have done it before! Three previous pregnancy's no problems but with the fourth by 13 weeks I was on bed rest. I struggled through the rest of my pregnancy not knowing day by day if we would make it the whole nine months. Bed rest and meds I did make it. I was induced on August 26 2009, a few weeks early. The longest most painful labor and delivery of any of my kids. Tyler was officially here and he was perfect. All of my fears of something just not being "right" for the last nine months vanished, after I counted all his fingers and toes of course. I held a perfect little newborn. We went home and for the first week everything was perfect, normal, newborn baby stuff. No sleep, stumbling around in the middle of the night making bottles. It wasn't until his first week check up I had any reason to think anything was different with him. I don't remember much of that day really, everything was fine, and then the doc said "We had an abnormal result come back on Tyler's newborn screening...I want you to repeat the test today... its possible he has Cystic Fibrosis.." Then all I heard was blah blah head was spinning, I got sick to my stomach even though I had never even heard of cystic fibrosis, I knew in my gut it was bad...We did the repeat newborn screening but had to wait a week for the results. I came home and googled Cystic Fibrosis....and then I held Tyler and cried...and cried. 10 days later with the results of the 2nd newborn screening and a sweat test Tyler was diagnosed with CF. Our lives are forever changed by his diagnosis, but thankfully with all the information and support I have received from my new found Internet family I can finally look into Tyler's baby blues without bursting into tears...


  1. Hi Kristine~ This is all too familiar to me. I was a first time mom. My daughter Ayla is 2.5 and it was a total shock to us. She had a bowel obstruction so we were prepared for surgery but not for this diagnosis. I am still dealing with it, learning about it. And getting a little better at not crying every time I say the word...CF...I am so glad you are blogging. You are waaay ahead of me. I really wanted to sulk and not share any of my thoughts with anyone until very recently. I have a blog as well: also dedicated to my daughter. I have become one of your followers and look forward to watching your little man grow. Take care, and if you ever need to talk/ adress is on my blog.

    take care

  2. My daughter Breezy also has CF. Breezy was undiagnosed until the last year at 4 years old and those 4 years of not knowing why she was having problems or how to help her were terrible. When she was born there CF was not part of the newborn screening. Now we know and she is doing wonderful. This road is a hard one to travel but these babies are special and brave, her attitude and tolerance for CF has truly made her my hero. Blogging is great it helps keep us CFmomma grounded and in high spirits. Welcome~ Breezy's Momma Jessie
